About Paul

Paul has over 20 years experience as a family law barrister. He prides himself on being approachable and user-friendly. He particularly enjoys cases involving detailed cross-examination and thrives on the advocacy required in the cut and thrust of contested cases with multiple parties and complex financial arrangements. Paul is highly regarded by the professionals with whom he works. He is well-known to establish quickly a solid rapport with his clients in order to achieve their goals in a straightforward, timely and cost-efficient way.

Paul's pupillage was with family practitioners that are now both members of the Judiciary.

Career: Called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn in 1993.  
Education: Obtained a bachelors degree in London and was called to the Bar at the age of 22.
Languages: English (native) Intermediate Greek.
Memberships: Member of the Family Law Bar Association. Head of the Financial Provision Group in Chambers.
Personal: A life long runner under taking many marathons, Paul is also passionate about wine, Middle Eastern affairs, travel, and all of the arts.
Publications: Has written a number of articles on all aspects of law. An occasional contributor to the Family Law Journal, the leading journal in family law matters.

Paul is regulated by the Bar Standards Board

FBLA - Family Bar Law Association


“Justice is the sum of all moral duty.”

— William Godwine